The grep command needs to be modified accordingly, putting the other character used as a separator in place of “:”. The grep command is primarily used to search a text or file for lines that contain a match to the specified words/strings. In the rare case in which some of the files contain the character “:” as part of their name, we can use the -F argument of the file command to use some character other than the “:” character as the separator. In other words, the expression means “search for a : in the file command output followed by any number of characters “.*” and then the sub-string ” text”.
In this article, how to find texts in files in Linux is explained. It’s possible using both built-in tools and 3rd-party apps. Depending on the number of files you have to perform a search on, there are two ways to perform the text search: automated or manual. The expression “.*” ensures that the sub-string ” text” is only searched in the file type description, not in the filename. For a system administrator, working with text files is a common phenomenon. The subsequent grep command filters all files with “ASCII text” or “UTF-8 Unicode text” as part of the file type description.

The file * command prints a list of filenames followed by the file type description of all files in the current directory. If checked, UltraFinder will perform a recursive search for text, descending into all subdirectories contained within your find locations. If any matches are found, text similar to the following example is shown. Below is a basic example of a command used to locate any htm file containing the word 'help'. We can quickly list all text files in the current directory using a simple command: file * | grep ".* text" One of the easiest and fastest methods of locating text contained within a file on a computer running Linux is to use the grep command. If our interest is only in files in the current directory, then the command is effortless.