Über die Chrome-Erweiterung können Sie ganze Webseiten, Blog-Einträge oder Markierungen mit nur einem Klick. Right now sending web content is only available from the Chrome web browser, but Amazon says they are working on Send to Kindle plugins for FireFox and Safari web browsers too. Mit Hilfe von 'Send to Kindle' befüllen Sie Kindle im Handumdrehen mit Offline-Lesestoff. Of course all the different font sizes and text adjustment options are available too. The formatting looks great, even the different headings and list items look good, the images get centered, and the hyperlinks all work as they should.

I tested the new Send to Kindle Chrome extension by sending a few articles from this website to my Kindle Touch and they turned out really well. Like any Kindle personal document upload, articles sent to your Kindle get archived and synced so no matter what device or app you are using it remembers the last page read, all the bookmarks, and the notes and highlights that have been added to the article. Originally Answered: Whats the best chrome browser extension for sending articles and web pages to Amazon Kindle for later reading It depends on your primary. Head back to Amazon's Kindle settings page, click on.

You will need to know the Send-to-Kindle e-mail address Amazon has assigned to your Kindle. Power on your Kindle or open the Kindle app. After installing you will see a new toolbar button in your browser. Lastly, you'll need to authorize the above apps to send documents to your Kindle. Push to Kindle is available for most popular browsers. The only catch is that the steps and screenshots used below are from Amazon US and they will differ from region to region. Also, Amazon removes all the ads and extra content not related to the article. Step Three: Set Up Personal Document Syncing. Send Books From to a Kindle app (or Fire tablet) You can use to send the book to each of the devices that have the Kindle app on them (and Fire tablets from Amazon). You can also preview the content before you send it to make sure the formatting is in good order.

Once you install the Send to Kindle extension, you can choose to send web content to any of your Kindle devices and Kindle reading apps, or just select to archive it in your Kindle Library to download at a later time. The MackinVIA app is available for: Android devices: OS 8+ Chromebooks: Latest version of Chrome iPads, iPhones, and iPods: iOS 11.4+ Fire tablets: Fire.